Peer-Reviewed Publications:

Ramirez, M. + & Stamps, D. (2024). Civil Rights Movement imagery, collective memory, and group-based emotions. Ohio Communication Journal, 62. 26-39. (click for article)

Stamps, D. (2024). Anti-Blackness and psychological stress: The application of critical race psychology and minority stress theory among Black communities. Journal of Social Issues.

Hickerson, H.,+ Ramirez, F., & Stamps, D. (2024). COVID-19 in the media: Stressors and coping mechanisms among Black individuals. Journal of International and Intercultural Communication, 17(1). 83-101.

Stamps, D. (2024). Same-Gender-Loving Black male characters: A case study of the scripted television series Designated Survivor. Western Journal of Communication 1-19.

Mandell, L. & Stamps, D. (2023). Oy Vey, the Shtick: Exploring the relationship between audience consumption of Jewish television characters and attitudes toward Jewish populations. Howard Journal of Communications. 1-17. (click for article)

Stamps, D. (2023). The nexus between Black media consumers’ racial identity, critical and digital media literacy skills, and psychological well-being. Information, Communication, and Society, 1-17.

Hickerson, H. & Stamps, D. (2023). Health messaging and social media: An examination of message fatigue, race, and emotional outcomes among Black audiences. International Journal of Communication, 17, 649-669.

(click for article)

Stamps, D. (2022). Black audiences’ identity-focused social media use, group vitality, and consideration of collective action. Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly 99(3), 660-675. DOI:10.1177/10776990221104152 (click for article)

Stamps, D., Bickham, S., Haydel, S., & Broussard, J. (2022). Black cultural projection: An analysis of major daily news coverage of successful Black mayoral campaigns in large metropolitan cities. The Communication Review. 25(2), 96-116. DOI:10.1080/10714421.2022.2045851 (click for article)

Stamps, D. & Sahlman, J. (2021). Audiences’ Mediated Contact with Black Characters in Scripted Television and Support for Racialized Social Issues. Communication Studies. 1-15. DOI:10.1080/10510974.2021.1975140 (click for article)

Stamps, D., Mandell, L., & Lucas, R. (2021). Relational maintenance, collectivism, and coping strategies among Black populations during COVID-19. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 38(8), 2376-2396. DOI:10.1177/02654075211025093 (click for article)

Stamps, D. (2021). It’s all relative: The dual role of media consumption and media literacy among Black audiences. Southern Communication Journal. DOI:10.1080/1041794X.2021.1905053 (click for article)

Stamps, D. (2021). The collective challenges of color, COVID-19, and their convergence. Journal of Children and Media, 15(1). 134-137. DOI:10.1080/17482798.2020.1858903 (click for article)

Stamps, D.(2021). Yvonne Orji’s Docuseries, ‘First Gen’: First-Generational Narratives and Their Impact on Audiences’ Community Cultural Wealth.In. O. Banjo (Ed.), At the Table: Mediated Narrative Experiences of First-Generation Americans. (click for editor's rough draft)

Stamps, D. (2021). My Brother from Another Mother: Black Brotherhood in Martin, The Wayans Bros., and Malcolm & Eddie. In L. Brackett (Ed.), Representations of African American Professionals on TV Series Since the 1990s. McFarland Press.

Stamps, D. (2020). The role of race, racism, and group relevant social issues. Advances in Journalism and Communication, 8(4), 131-149. DOI:10.4236/ajc.2020.84010 (click for article)

Stamps, D. (2020). Media Literacy as Liberator: Black Audiences' Adoption of Media Literacy, News Media, and Perceptions of Self and Group Members. Journal of International and Intercultural Communication. DOI:10.1080/17513057.2020.1789692. (click for article)

Stamps, D. (2020). B(l)ack By Popular Demand: An Analysis of Positive Black Male Characters in Television and Audiences’ Community Cultural Wealth. Journal of Communication Inquiry. DOI:10.1177/0196859920924388 (click for article)

Stamps, D. (2020). Race and Media: A critical essay acknowledging the current state of race-related media effects research and directions for future exploration. Howard Journal of Communications. DOI:10.1080/10646175.2020.1714513
(click for article) 

Stamps, D. & Mastro, D. (2019). The Problem with Protests: Emotional Effects of Race-Related News Media. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly. DOI:10.1177/1077699019891433
(click for article)

Stamps, D. (2019). Is it Really Representation? A Qualitative Analysis of Asian and Latino Characterizations in Broadcast Television. American Communication Journal, 21, 1-12.
(click for article)

Figueroa-Caballero, A., Mastro, D., & Stamps, D. (2019). An Examination of the Effects of Mediated Intragroup and Intergroup Interactions. Communication Quarterly. DOI:10.1080/01463373.2019.1573745 (click for article)

Stamps, D. (2019). Fruitvale Station: A Humanistic and Vulnerable Glimpse into Black Masculinities. In J. Hamlet (Ed.), Engaging the Elephant: Using Movies to Facilitate: Difficult Conversations about Race in the Classroom.
(click for book chapter)

Stamps, D. (2018). Will Boys Be Boys: An Exploration of Social Support, Affection, and Masculinities within Non-Romantic Male Relationships. The Kentucky Journal of Communication, 37, 52-71.
(click for article)

Mastro, D. & Stamps, D. (2018). An Examination of Racial/Ethnic Inclusion in the Media and the Implications of Exposure on Audiences. In P. Napoli (Ed.), Mediated Communication. De Gruyter Mouton Publications.
(click for book chapter)

Stamps, D. (2017). The social construction of the African American family on broadcast television: A comparative content analysis of The Cosby Show and Blackish. Howard Journal of Communications, 28, 405-420.DOI 10.1080/10646175.2017.1315688
(click for article)

Chang, E. & Stamps, D. (2017). Characterization of teen SNS usage in entertainment media. Consumer Electronics (ICCE). 76-77. DOI:10.1109/ICCE.2017.7889236Type your paragraph here.
(click for article)

​My research aims to understand the psychological and behavioral effects of identity-focused interpersonal interactions and audiences’ exposure to and engagement with mass media, including digital, news, and entertainment media. Below are some peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters. When available, there are links (in red) to each item as a PDF. If you do not see a link, please email me (, and I will send you a copy. 

David L. Stamps